
On this page you will find the documents that I mention in my posts.

They are also linked in their respective posts so don’t worry, but I’ve made this page for a quick access list to those documents, or for people who just want them, without searching for the link in the main story.

So here it is:

§ 4 Responses to documents

  • Leanne says:

    The Vampire Manifesto is a very interesting read and does seem to correspond more closely with what I have found in my studies.

  • […] documents | they live among us – not seeing does not equal not existing "The Vampyre" is a short story or novella written in 1819 by John William Polidori which is a progenitor of the romantic vampire genre of fantasy fiction. The Vampyre – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Francis Marion Crawford (August 2, 1854 – April 9, 1909) was an American writer noted for his many novels, especially those set in Italy, and for his classic weird and fantastic stories. Several of his short stories, such as "The Upper Berth" (1886; written in 1885), "For the Blood Is the Life" (1905, a vampiress tale), "The Dead Smile" (1899), and "The Screaming Skull" (1908), are often-anthologized classics of the horror genre. Francis Marion Crawford – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Seeing that the blog writer is from Transylvania I can understand why he writes stories about vampires… I was born and in the town of Sighisoara, in the very heart of Transylvania, Romania. I grew up in this town. I grew up seeing Dracula’s house – the house where he was born that is – from my window. I grew up playing in the town’s cemetery, I grew up going to a high school that was near a crypt, an old church and a morgue, and looked like more of a castle rather than a high school. who am I? | they live among us – not seeing does not equal not existing Reply With Quote […]

  • Neel says:

    good documents especially the manifesto.

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