poem for the heart

March 15, 2012 § 2 Comments

Couldn’t sleep last night so… This was the result.



bound by chains,
wrapped by desolation,
knowing she remains,
forever in damnation.

winds of change keep blowing,
sending us to our graves,
the queen keeps always showing,
eternally against the waves.

she’s slain the demon Sadness
but the heart is unaware,
her ocean of madness,
in the desert of despair.

she roams this earth without a pair,
forever lonely in her bed,
all you see except her hair,
is the anger in her head.

her gaze is like your shadow,
knowing everything there is to know,
like the rabbit on the meadow,
invisible against the snow.

one look at the queen is enough,
for her smile is hypnotic,
to make your existence very tough,
the most potent narcotic.

and make no mistake,
about seeing it again,
from your dream you need to wake,
or it shall be your bane.

her smile shows once only,
for those who are unlucky,
and then it leaves you lonely,
but consider yourself lucky.

for she stayed once in the past,
ripping through a heart with joy,
gone were my hopes in a blast,
learning that it was everything she wanted to destroy.

go forth and tell the others now,
never smile to the girl who always shows,
free pass to their hearts this will allow,
as long as the wind still blows.

the queen and her mate,
must never be allowed,
to fulfill their fate,
our lives this will cloud.

dark hair and mystic eyes,
her existence is unknown,
the mate is now alone and cries,
his tears are set in stone.

and forever the world will speak,
of the queen with mystic eyes,
the one which is unique,
because she never dies.

Where Am I?

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