the vampire that I hate [story part 51]

August 15, 2013 § 5 Comments

I got up and before having the time to wipe that stupid expression off my face which I got every time something like this happened, Regina sat down on her knees and leaned forward and picked Sigismund up. Viktoria was still behind him also kneeling down looking at Regina.

They were ignoring me, and I decided to keep my mouth shut for the moment. I retreated in the background without a peep.

Regina leaned closer to Sigismund and said in a low, calm voice:

“Over 150,000….”

“Over 150,000 days I walked this Earth up and down, back and forth.”

“I searched for you. I searched for him (referring to me I suppose?) and then I gave up. It was all a lie that you told me. There is no greater order of things. There is no order at all. It’s all chaos! Nobody knows what the hell we’re doing, but we are. We are doing something.”

“150,000 days…” She put her head down and just went silent for a full minute.

“150,000 days and just as many…”

“Just as many hearts, sons and daughters, hearts stopped by these hands and these…” And she elevated her head once again.

Her fangs were fully extended. Her eyes were black and flowing with red, injected and tired, mixed with tears that she held back and with anger. Oh she was pissed, but spoke calm.

I was already thinking I shouldn’t be there. I didn’t want to hear that. I didn’t want to hear a head count.

“And for what?” She continued.

“Viktoria? She lost count long, long ago of the souls THAT I MADE her take. Long ago.” Viktoria’s face was still blank. She didn’t care.

“You lied. And you are still doing it.” She continued.

“No, no I didn’t.” Sigismund added.

“Then tell me, what’s so important that would have you rather spend 400 years trapped in a block of ice than being what you are supposed to be. What I am for Viktoria and what EVERY – SINGLE – VAMPIRE is for their offspring?”

“Don’t worry. I made sure NO vampire steps into this life without at least one person to rely on. At least ONE SINGLE PERSON that she can trust.”

Yeah, Regina was talking about herself.

“You left me with a religious myth, a promise and the hunger to bleed dry an entire village. Which I promptly did !”

“But you wouldn’t know that, would you?! No, because you cowardly ran…”

“So tell me, did you really think I’m here to be your liberator?”

“The world has changed, a lot. And you clearly have no intention to adapt, no idea how to adapt, nor do you want me – nor even you – around.”

“I built an empire. AN EMPIRE based on every single value opposed to yours.”

“Look.” She stood up and took him to the window.

“You see that? There are thousands of us out there.” She said as she pointed towards the greater area of Moscow.

“And hundreds of thousands more across the continent. Soon millions across the globe.”

I could see Sigismund’s face going blank. He was scared shitless, but not of Regina. No. Something about the number of vampires in the world made him shiver from within his very core. I was intrigued.

“There is no greater purpose. No good or bad. Nobody to rule over me or to make me do anything that I don’t want to.”

“And after all that, you still have the guts to tell me that it’s wrong. That I can’t. That I won’t. That I shouldn’t ??!”

“It doesn’t matter what you think or what you want. You don’t believe me? That’s great. Then tell me: Why him?” Sigismund asked, and looked towards me.

“Take the necklace away. Throw it away. Let’s see then how that goes.”

“Have you even STOPPED to think for a second that the only reason you’re still able to walk around wherever you want, do whatever you want, is because it’s only now that you found what you were looking for?”

“And you know damn well what you – what WE need to do.”

“Because this is the worst position we can possibly be in. Almost.”

Regina fell silent for a second.

“I don’t care!” She shrieked. Let’s see what happens! Let me show you that the two of us (referring to herself and Viktoria) are stronger than all of you ever were, in the entire history of our kind. You let yourselves be walked over time and time again. Controlled like little cage rats. For what?”

“Let me show you for what!”

Regina came towards me, ripped the necklace off my neck and threw it out the window. I yelled and I protested and all that, but I won’t bore you with any of the details. It was futile anyway. It was gone and I was fucked.

“For nothing.” She added, ad stopped.

I knew very well why I always wore that necklace. Didn’t need another demonstration.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I yelled.

Sigismund started laughing like a maniac. I ignored him.

“You know damn well I need that!” I continued

“No, no you don’t!” Regina replied.

“Yeah, I know exactly what you’re thinking. And that’s not gonna happen. Not like this. I’m never going to say yes if you force me too.” I replied.

Upon hearing that, Sigismund started laughing even harder.

“Oh, that’s good. You ask for permission now?!” He asked and continued laughing.

“You know, you’re really starting to piss me off with that threat…” Viktoria added from the corner, directed at me.

“Why don’t you do something about it?” I answered, as sarcastically as I could. That was a mistake.

“Alright, alright…” Regina said.

“Well then Sigismund. You know what I want from you.” Regina continued.

“Start from the beginning. Everything that you never told me, now it’s your chance.”

“I already told you everything I know. Have a few of your own. Then find someone like I found you. Pass it on, and then that’s it for you, and your offspring. That’s how is supposed to be.” Sigismund answered.

“Yes, yes. That’s not what I want to hear.” Regina said.

“Everything. From the beginning.” She added.

Silence, blank stares and sadness. Nothing more, nothing less.

“I’ll get to the bottom of it somehow even without you telling me.” Regina added.

“You don’t have time.” Sigismund answered.

“We’ll see about that.” Regina replied as she went into the bathroom smiling.

She came out with a first-aid kit, placed it in front of Sigismund who was looking puzzled at it thinking it’s some kind of torture device maybe. She pulled out a syringe from there, stuck it in his neck and filled it with blood.

He didn’t even flinch.

“Now that I have what I need to get started… it won’t be long.” She continued.

What the hell was she on about? I felt again like I felt the very first day I met her. The more I thought I knew, the less I actually did.

“Viktoria.” Regina said as she gave her a look and nothing else.

Viktoria nodded.

“Let’s go.” She looked at me and left the room.

I wanted to complain about 1000 different things. I still remember that probably it was one of the times I felt so tired I just wanted to have a heart attack right then and there.

“Where are we going?” I asked as I rushed to catch her down the hallway like a confused kid.

“The hospital.”

Wait. What?

Where Am I?

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